To the Coot ecology in the area between the Prut and the Dniester. - I.V. Skilsky, B.I. Godovanets, O.M. Klitin, P.V. Bundzyak, O.M. Vassin, V.V. Buchko. - Berkut. 3 (1). 1994. - P. 9-14.
The data were collected in Chernivtsi region in 1951-1993. The Coot was found in 18 sites. The first birds arrive in March, the mass migration takes place in the first decade of April. The breeding period starts in the end of March - beginning of April and ends in July - in the beginning of April (130-140 days). 46,2 % nests were found in overgrowths of water plants in 3-20 m from the shore, on the average 9,92 +- 1,01 m. Mostly leaves and stalks of the cat's tail (86,5 % nests) and the reed (30,8 %) are used for nest building, besides it is used the rush (11,5 %), algae (9,6 %), other water plants (13,5 %). Very seldom coots can pick up the tree branches that have fallen in water (3,8 %). 44,2 % nests were built only of the cat's tail, 7,8 % - only of the reed. Coots placed the nests most often in the cat's tail overgrowths, more seldom they are in reed. For 76,0 % nests the gently sloping deck to water were discovered. A nest had two decks. The majority of nests were found on water and on herrings of water plants. Only one building was situated on a last year's nest of the Coot. The clear expressed ovality was discovered for the nest width in 5,9 % cases. The earliest clutch was found in the first days of April. The mass egg laying happens in the second decade of April - the first decade of May. The second peak of clutch appearance falls on the first decade of June. The full clutches have 5-10 eggs, on the average 7,30 +- 0,20. Clutches with 7 eggs meet most often (36,7 %). 8 had 26,7 % nests, 6 - 20,0 %, 9 - 10,0 %, 5 and 10 - at 3,3 % each. Egg form happens drop-shaped (51,3 %), elongated-oval (28,9 %), elongated-drop-shaped (17,7 %) and oval (2,1 %). Eggs from the early clutches are some bigger than from later. The significant differences were discovered for the length, index of sphericity and volume. The brooding lasts for 21-23 days. Nestlings emerge for 3-6 days. In autumn the Coot flocks have mostly 10-15 birds. The departure starts in September and ends in the end of October. The latest observation dates 29.10.1966. The basis of the feeding makes the plant food, mainly representatives of Potamogetonaceae. Animals were found not often in stomachs. The weight of 4 stomaches with food made 60,75 g, without food - 49,88 g, the weight of the consumed food was 9,8 g. [Ukrainian].
Key words: Coot, Fulica atra, Chernivtsi region, arrival, departure, breeding ecology, nest, egg, feeding.

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