Peculiarities of the breeding and autumn migratory bird communities in oak-beech forests of Bukovina. - Guzy A.I - Berkut. 3 (1). 1994. - P. 3-8.
The research was carried out in Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. In the structure of breeding bird community (1 and more individuals per km2) 37 species were discovered. The autumn migration community includes 27 species. The population composition and its characters are reflected in tables. For both aspects the number of species increases from the unclosed and young afforestation to ripe forests, but population density decreases from the youngest plantations to young forests and then increases. Such numbe r dynamics of birds are explained by the falling out of the shrubage and herbage in young forests. Later they develop and get complicated with age. [Ukrainian].
Key words: Northern Bukovina, bird community, population density.

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