Midwinter Waterbird Counts in Armenia. Results for 2003–2007. - V.Yu. Ananian, M.G. Ghasabyan, K.E. Aghababyan,
M.G. Maregasparyan, V.Sh. Hakobyan. - Berkut. 16 (2). 2007. - P. 195-204.
Midwinter waterbird counts have been conducted in Armenia during 2003–2007 in the Ararat Plain’s natural and man-made wetlands and at the Lake Sevan. Total number of counted waterbirds in various years comprised from 9166 to 24956. Forty five species of waterbirds occur in the country in winter, with most numerous found to be the Eurasian Coot, followed by Mallard, Pygmy Cormorant, Armenian Gull, Common and Red-crested Pochards, Pallas’s Gull, Tufted Duck, Black-headed Gull, White Stork, Common Teal, Northern Shoveler, Gadwall and others. Compared with other counted sites in Armenia, Lake Sevan supported significantly more wintering waterbirds in most years. There is little data exist from Armenia to outline a trend for a particular species or a group of species, but all wetlands surveyed are found to be under the high degree of human disturbance in various ways such as inappropriate management, habitat change and destruction, excessive fishery, hunting. [English].
Key words: Armenia, wintering, waterbird, number, wetlands, Ararat Plain, Lake Sevan.
Address: V.Yu. Ananian, 179 Bashinjaghian Street, Apt. 23, 0078, Yerevan, Armenia.