Long term changes in the population size of the Eurasian Marsh
Harrier breeding on main water bodies of Zamosc region, east Poland. - I. Kitowski, G. Pitucha. - Berkut. 16 (2). 2007. - P. 213-220.
In the years 1993–1997 and 2006–2007, number of Eurasian Marsh Harriers breeding on 35 water bodies in Zamosc region (E Poland) was studied. 76–88 breeding pairs nested there in 1993–1997 and 79–80 pairs in 2006–2007. The obtained results show a stabilization in the number at a level of about 80 pairs, after a very clear increase in that place in late the 1970’s and 1980’s. The paper also presents the number dynamics of Eurasian Marsh Harriers which arose in the late 1990’s in the water reservoir in Nielisz. In the 1990’s in the Zamosc region, the role of fish ponds clearly decreased on behalf of river valleys covered with extensive reedbeds. Presently, however, as a result of a very strong number increasing of the Red Fox, the role of the reedbeds in water bodies has newly increased for the Eurasian Marsh Harrier population. [English].
Key words: Eurasian Marsh Harrier, Circus aeruginosus, Poland, number dynamics, breeding habitat.
Address: I. Kitowski, Department of Nature Conservation, Institute of Biology, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Akademicka 19, PL 20-033 Lublin, Poland; e-mail: ignacyk@autograf.pl.
G. Pitucha, Dep. of Zoology, University of Rzeszów, Cegielniana 12, PL 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland; e-mail: gpitucha@univ.rzeszow.pl.