Status of Moustached Warbler in Saratov region, Russia. - Zavialov E.V., Tabachishin V.G., Yakushev N.N. - Berkut. 16 (2). 2007. - P. 283-284.
Survey data on the Moustached Warbler in Saratov region are presented. The occurrence of the species is considered as not a result of single invasion but as a reflection of long-term trends in distribution of the species. Further distribution dynamics of Moustached Warbler in Saratov region and adjacent territories requires careful study. [English].
Key words: Moustached Warbler, Lusciniola melanopogon, Trans-Volga region, distribution, habitat.
Address: Faculty of Biology, Saratov State University, Astrahanskaya St. 83, Saratov, 410012, Russia; e-mail:


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