Changes in the avifauna of the wetlands of district Sanghar, Sindh, Pakistan. - M. Rais, D. Abbass, M.Z. Khan, I.S. Khan, S.A. Ghalib, F. Tabbassum, G. Akber, R. Nawaz. - Berkut. 17 (1-2). 2008. - P. 13-24.
Present study was undertaken to collect the qualitative data on the avifaunal diversity associated with the wetlands of district Sanghar, Sindh, Pakistan. The data was compared with the past available records. It was found that species composition has changed over a period of a decade. Forty four new records of bird species were found in the area while thirty four previously recorded species were not observed. Nine more notable wetlands were identified that had been created due to seepage from water storage reservoir and irrigation canals. Hunting, new developments and overexploitation are the major factors involved in the change of species composition. [English].
Key words: fauna, waterbirds, species composition, wintering, migration, conservation.
Address: M. Rais, Department of Wildlife Management, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan; e-mail:


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