Geese in Mykolayiv region. - Z.O. Petrovich, K.O. Redinov, O.O. Formanyuk. - Berkut. 17 (1-2). 2008. - P. 25-32.
Data were collected in 1990–2008. There are mentions about records of 7 species of geese in literature, but information about Barnacle and Brent Geese is insufficient. Greylag Goose is a breeding, migrating and wintering species. The renewal of breeding in Mykolayiv region has started since 1980s. The actual number makes about 30–60 breeding pairs and 300–500 single individuals. Spring migration in south part of the region took place in February and March. Territorial pairs were observed since early March. Broods appeared in the second ten-day of April – beginning of May. They had 2–8 chicks (5.0 ± 0.6, n = 11). White-fronted Goose is a mass migrating and wintering species. First flocks in autumn were registered since 18.10 till 16.11 (31.10 ± 1.7, n = 15). Peak of migration fell on the third ten-day of October – second ten-day of November. Flocks in October and November had 2–400 birds (100.7 ± 9.3, n = 75). Geese wintered at coastal lakes (limans) and large ponds, fed on adjacent fields. Departure from wintering grounds happened in February and March. Spring flocks had 1–600 birds (99.7 ± 9.5, n = 118). Bean Goose and Red-breasted Goose are sparse species during migration and wintering. Lesser White-fronted Goose was observed only twice in the lower part of Tiligul liman. Up to 7500 White-fronted Geese, 600 Graylag Geese, 65 Red-breasted Geese and 20 Bean Geese winter on Dnieper-Bug, Berezan and Tiligul limans. Their number fluctuates in different years and during the winter. [Ukrainian].
Key words: distribution, number, ecology, breeding, migration, wintering.
Address: Z.O. Petrovich, Regional Landscape Park Kinburnska kosa, Shkreptienko-Str. 16, Ochakiv, Mykolayiv region, 57500, Ukraine.


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