Characteristics of migrations of Passeriformes in Saratov region according to analysis of ringing data and visual odservations. - E.V. Zavialov, V.G. Tabachishin, N.N. Yakushev, E.Yu. Mosolova. - Berkut. 17 (1-2). 2008. - P. 158-178.
The analysis is based on the data of field surveys carried out within the region from April, 1992 till March, 2009, and the materials of Bird Ringing Center of Severtsov Institute of problems of ecology and evolution (RAS, Moscow) for the period since 1957 till now. Insectivorous species (Swallow, Yellow Wagtail and Sedge Warbler) winter in Central and Southern Africa, Starling winters in the countries of South-West Asia. Rook partially winters in the countries of Western and Southern Europe, and partially remains for wintering in its breeding area. Migrating corvids appear at their breeding sites earlier than other birds (the second decade of March), then arrive Starlings and fringillids (late March – early April). The insectivorous birds arrive in late April – early May. Three migration waves have been discovered for the Starling. They are related to different timing of migration for birds of different ages. A high degree of nesting conservatism has been established for Starling, Rook, Hooded Crow and Raven. [Russian].
Key words: Saratov region, migration, ringing, recovery, wintering, arrival, departure.
Address: V.G. Tabachishin, Saratov branch of IPEE RAS, Rabochaya St. 24, Saratov, 410028, Russia; e-mail:


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