Great Grey Shrike in the North-West Black Sea Coastal Area. - K.O. Redinov. - Berkut. 18 (1-2). 2009. - P. 130-134.
The study area includes three regions in the south-west of Ukraine: Odesa, Mykolayiv, Kherson. The Great Grey Shrike is a migrating and wintering species here. All the known records of the species in 1887–2009 are summarized and analyzed. First shrikes arrive in autumn on average on 15.10 ± 3,7 days (n = 10; 29.09.2002 – 30.10.1999). Last birds were observed on average on 7.04 ± 3,9 days (n = 11; 26.03.2008 – 30.04.1989). Shrikes winter regularly but their number fluctuates. During wintering birds are occurred in the same places that can evidence their territoriality. [Ukrainian].
Key words: Great Grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor, distribution, migration, phenology, wintering.
Address: K.O. Redinov, Regional Landscape Park Kinburnska kosa, Shkreptienko Str. 16, Ochakiv, Mykolayiv region, 57500, Ukraine; e-mail:


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