Long-tailed Tit in the North-East of Ukraine. - N.P. Knysh, A.I. Stativa. - Berkut. 18 (1-2). 2009. - P. 164-172.
Data were collected in Sumy region in 1970–2009. Here the Long-tailed Tit prefers woody habitats in flood-plains and contiguous areas. Some tendency to the synanthropization are observed. Number fluctuates very much. Population density in forest-steppe oak forests in winter makes on average 4,7 ind./km2. Autumn flocks have from 1 to 20 birds, on average 8,7 ± 0,9 individuals (n = 29), winter ones – 6,3 ± 1,1 (1–20, n = 21). Breeding performance begins since the last third of March. Nests (n = 14) were placed in deciduous (64%) and coniferous (29%) trees and also in interlacing of hop stalks (7%). Height of nest location fluctuated from 0,64 to 12,50 m, the average height is 3,20 ± 0,97 m (n = 12). First egg laying were observed between 6.04 and 20.05 (n = 6). The mass egg laying took place in April. Full clutches had from 8 to 12 eggs, on average 9,5 ± 0,7 eggs (n = 6). Broods had from 5 to 12 youngs, on average 8,1 ± 1,0 youngs (n = 7). Broods were occurred since 15.05 till 6.08. Average measurements of eggs: 14,26 ± 0,07 × 11,33 ± 0,05 мм (n = 43). From 10 nests only 3 remained till fledge of youngs. 5 nests were ravaged by raptors, evidently by the Jay, a nest was caused to fall by a dropped bough, and a nest was abandoned. Remains of an adult bird were found in winter pellets of the Long-eared Owl. [Russian].
Key words: Long-tailed Tit, Aegithalos caudatus, ecology, number, wintering, breeding.
Address: N.P. Knysh, Sumy Pedagogical University, Dep. of Zoology, Romenska str. 87, 40002, Sumy, Ukraine.