1. Berkut publishes original papers, review articles, short communications and notes on all aspects of ornithology. Works of ornithologists from other countries are also accepted.
2. Manuscript may be written in one of four languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English, German. Work in English is accompanied by abstract (up to half page), other articles must contain detailed English summaries (up to 1-2 pages). Key words and address of t he first author (with an e-mail if appropriate) are given after abstract or summary. Titles of tables and figure legends in un-English articles are duplicated in English. Only scientific Latin names of birds are used in tables. English names of species s hould begin with capital letters.
3. Maximum size of the manuscript is 20-25 pages. Larger articles may be accepted only after preliminary contact with editors.
4. Manuscript, including tables and figures, should be delivered in an electronic form in IBM compatible format (Microsoft Word is preferred but any commonly used file format is acceptable). Additionally, the double-spaced original typescript with illust rations should be submitted.
5. References should be made using "an author and a year" system.
6. Materials for publication should be sent to one of the editors. As a rule accepted works are published during one year.