Berkut. Vol. 8. Is. 1. 1999. P. 9-14.
Breeding bird community
of monocultural spruce plantation
in the Skolivski Beskids
(the Ukrainian Carpathians)
A.-T.V. Bashta
А.-Т.В. Башта. - Гніздове населення птахів монокультурного
смерекового насадження у Сколівських Бескидах (Українські Карпати). - Беркут.
8 (1). 1999. - Дослідження
проводилися протягом 1994-1996 pp. Всього виявлено 38 видів птахів. Щільність орнітонаселення
становить 24,1-24,7 пар/10 га. В усі роки в населенні птахів домінували зяблик, жовтоголовий королик, чорна синиця і вільшанка. Проста структура досліджуваних
смерекових насаджень є причиною низьких кількісних показників його
орнітоугруповання. Разом з тим, смерекові лісостани є гніздовими біотопами
деяких рідкісних видів: волохатого сича,
глухаря, довгохвостої сови, трипалого дятла.
Key words: the
Carpathians, community, count, population density, rare species.
1. Introduction
The territory of the Skolivski
Beskids has been poorly investigated in ornithological respect till now. Only
single data about some birds of this region are known from previous works
(Dzieduszycki, 1880, 1896; Domaniewski, 1915; Strautman, 1954; Pogranychny,
1993; Bashta et al., 1994), materials of Ornithofaunistic Commission of the
Ukrainian Ornithological Society (OFC), etc.
2. Study area
Our investigations have been carried
out in the territory of Skolivski Beskids, which are situated on the
north-eastern slope of the Ukrainian Carpathians in Lviv region.
The Skolivski Beskids are
relatively low part of the Ukrainian Carpathians. They are limited by the
Misunka river on the east, the Striy river on the west, the Precarpathians on
the north-east and line between towns Turka and Slavske on the south-west.
Investigated area has a very dismembered relief. The highest mountains are
Magura (1362 m), Parashka (1268 m) and Zeiemyn (1265 m). The main rivers are
Striy and Opir. The period with temperatures below 0°C lasts 3,5-4 months
(Andrianov, 1968).
According to a geobothanical
distribution of the Ukrainian Carpathians (Holubets, Malynowsky, 1967), main
part of Skolivski Beskids belongs to region of spruce-fir-beech beskids
forests. Some part lies in the region of beech-fir upperdnister forests and
fir-beech premountain forests.
The main element of the
landscape of Skolivski Beskids is forest, which cover above 90 % of all area.
During last century it has suffered considerable degradation because of
excessive cutting. Among the plant communities the fir-beech woods (Abieto-Fageta) have a large area. Clear
beech woods (Fageta silvaticae),
beech-fir woods (Fageto-Abieta),
spruce-beech-fir woods (Piceeto-Fageto-Abieta)
are rare. Besides, monocultural spruce (Picea
abies) plantations are distributed in modern plant cover. They have very
simple vertical structure, weak resistance to disease and younger age of nature
ripeness than the nature spruce forests.
Present investigations cover
the south-western slope of the Perecop-mountain. The route (about 2,5 km long)
was laid on the altitudes 650-800 a. s. l. in monocultural spruce plantation
which is about 70-80 years old and belongs to the association Piceetum myrtillosum. The route lies
mainly in closed stands, almost without distinctive gaps and thinning.
3. Methods
The data were collected in
1994-1996. The literature data and materials of the OFC are used too. They supplement
information about bird distribution and number in the region.
The itinerary route method
with the width of stripe at the average distance of detection of birds was used
in quantitative studies (Kusiakin, 1962). The data get from the field should be
passed into the formula:
D = V / 2WAL,
where: D – population density
(pairs/10 ha), V – the number of registered pairs on the 1 km of route, W –
distance of audibility of bird voice (in km), A – activity of the singing
birds; L – length of the route, km.
Besides, the sites of singing
males, nests observed and other evidences of bird nesting were plotted on a
map. Each count was carried out about 3 hours in early morning, when the vocal
activity of birds is most intensive. For some birds evening counts were made in
order to obtain a more exact estimation of their abundance. Every year 5-6
counts were carried out on the route.
Days of counts of birds on the
sample route:
May June July
1994 8, 16 7, 16 2
1995 12, 13,
29 9, 19 8
1996 10, 19 11, 12, 16 10
According to Palmgren (1930),
criterion of species dominance is minimum 5 % proportion of total.
The category of occurrence was
established for each species observed, they are as follows:
A –
no findings permitting conclusions about breeding,
– nesting supposed,
C –
nesting very probable,
D –
nesting observed.
Besides, the occurrence of
birds was characterised on the basis of the frequency of records in the
breeding season. Species met several times were regarded as rare (r), fairly
frequent (+) and frequent (++).
In order to determine the
similarity of the bird communities being compared for specific composition
Soresnson’s quotient (QS) was applied (Magurran,1988). The value of QS
exceeding 60 % indicates a big similarity of the communities.
4. Results
During the investigated
periods 38 bird species were registered in monocultural spruce plantation in
Skolivski Beskids. They are listed in Table 1. It also gives categories of
their occurrence and the frequency of meeting. The bird number was relatively
stable and varied within the limits of 24,1-24,7 pairs/10 ha.
Table 1
Breeding bird
community of the monocultural spruce plantation in the Skolivski Beskids in
1994-1996 (explanations are in text)
Гніздове населення
птахів монокультурного смерекового насадження в Сколівських Бескидах у
1994-1996 рр. (пояснення в тексті)
Species Occurence Frequency
Вид Численність Частота
gentilis B r
nisus A r
buteo C +
urogallus C r
bonasia C r
aluco B r
uralensis B r
funereus B r
canorus B r
tridactylus D +
martius B r
major B +
trivialis C r
troglodytes D ++
modularis D ++
rubecula D ++
merula D +
torquatus D +
philomelos D +
atricapilla C +
curruca A r
trochilus C +
collybita D ++
sibilatrix A r
regulus D ++
montanus D +
ater D ++
cristatus D +
major B r
europaea A r
familiaris D ++
coelebs D ++
spinus C +
curvirostra B +
pyrrhula D +
glandarius A r
caryocatactes B +
corax C r
Total: 38
Some species demanding more
Buteo buteo. It is the most numerous bird of prey in the Skolivski
Beskids. Pairs or single individuals were observed during each count. Two
families with 2 (in 1995) and 3 (in 1996) flying youngs have been found in the
area of sample route. In 1996 a bird, which was hunting inside of forest
massive under the canopy, was observed. Mikusek (1996) in Stolowe and
Bystrzyckie Mts has also noted the similar behaviour.
Tetrao urogallus. There are about 30 breeding pairs in Beskids. They
were fixed mainly in spruce forests.
Tetrastes bonasia. The hatch of 7 birds (17.07.1996) has been observed
near the sample route. Separate birds have been noted during the counts also in
Dryocopus martius. The population density is 0,19 pairs/10 ha in
monocultural spruce plantation.
Picoides tridactylus. This species have been observed almost in the every
count. 19.06.1995 was found the nest with nestlings.
Turdus torquatus. It is a common species above 1200 m a. s. l. 12.06.1996
the nest with 4 eggs was found and 16.06 nestlings were already in this nest.
T. merula. On the sample route it is less numerous, than previous
species. In 1996 have been found 2 nests in spruce plantations 15 years old.
Corvus corax. During last decades significant changes in Raven’s
ecology in our investigated area were occurred (Bashta, 1998). Since 1970th
their number here had been increased. According to Gusiy (1995), the density of
Raven in the Ukrainian Carpathians is 0,4-0,6 pairs/km2. This
species both alone and in pairs was noted regularly by us.
Table 2 shows the results of
counts on the sample route. The Chaffinch (Fringilla
coelebs), the Goldcrest (Regulus
regulus), the Coal Tit (Parus ater),
the Robin (Erithacus rubecula) and
the Tree Creeper (Certhia familiaris)
were dominant.
Table 2
Results of bird
counts in monocultural spruce plantation in Skolivski Beskids in 1994-1996
(pairs/10 ha)
Результати обліків птахів у монокультурному
смерековому насадженні у Сколівських Бескидах у 1994-1996 рр. (пар/10 га)
Вид 1994
1995 1996
n % n % n %
coelebs 9,1 37,8 8,7 35,5 9,2 37,2 9,0
regulus 4,3 17,9 4,8 19,6 4,5 18,2 4,5
ater 2,4 10,0 2,0 8,2 2,3 9,3 2,2
rubecula 1,7 7,1 1,4 5,7 1,5 6,1 1,5
modularis 1,2 5,0 1,3 5,3 1,2 4,9 1,2
collybita 1,2 5,0 0,6 2,4 0,9 3,6 0,9
familiaris 0,9 3,7 1,2 4,9 0,7 2,8 0,9
merula 0,6 2,5 0,4 1,6 0,9 3,6 0,6
torquatus 0,6 2,5 0,7 2,9 0,4 1,6 0,6
pyrrhula 0,4 1,7 0,6 2,4 0,4 1,6 0,5
troglodytes 0,4 1,7 0,7 2,9 0,5 2,0 0,5
philomelos 0,5 2,1 0,6 2,4 0,4 1,6 0,5
cristatus 0,2 0,8 0,3 1,2 0,4 1,6 0,3
montanus 0,2 0,8 0,2 0,8 0,5 2,0 0,3
curvirostra 0,2 0,8 0,2 0,8 0,3 1,2 0,2
spinus – – 0,2 0,8 0,2 0,8 0,1
atricapilla 0,1 0,4 0,2 0,8 0,1 0,4 0,1
tridactylus –
– 0,1 0,4 0,1 0,4 0,1
trochilus 0,1 0,4 –
– 0,1 0,4 0,1
caryocatactes –
– 0,1 0,4 0,1 0,4 0,1
Total 20 species 24,1
100,0 24,3 100,0 24,7 100,0 24,4
Species, included only in
fauna: Anthus trivialis, Phylloscopus
sibilatrix, Sitta europaea, Parus major, Garrulus glandarius, Corvus corax,
Cuculus canorus, Dryocopus martius, Dendrocopos major, Tetrastes bonasia, Strix
aluco, Strix uralensis, Buteo buteo.
Table 3 presents parts and
density of birds in the community, relative to the their nesting sites. The
most numerous was group of species which build nests on tree branches – 7. It
numbered 15,1 pairs/10 ha, that is over the half of bird number on the sample
route. The tree-hollers were the least numerous – 6 with density 3,8 pairs/10
ha. Planted monocultures of spruce in inadequate habitats result in weakness
and premature death of the trees. Dead or in bed condition trees cause
gradation of insects and mites, which attract a number of birds including woodpeckers.
Holes left by woodpeckers are then used by the other species of hole-breeding
birds. In the groups, which nest on the ground and low above ground compose 4
Table 3
density of birds in the community relative to nesting site (pairs/10 ha)
Густота населення птахів по місцях гнездування
(пар/10 га)
Nest sites 1994 1995 1996 M
n %
% n % n %
On ground 3,4 14,1 2,7 11,1 3,0 12,2 3,0 12,3
Low above ground 2,5 10,4 2,6 10,7 2,6 10,3 2,5 10,3
On tree branches 14,5 60,2 15,2 62,6 15,1 61,4 15,1 61,9
In tree-holes 3,7 15,3 3,8 15,6
4,0 16,1 3,8 15,5
Total: 24,1 100,0
24,3 100,0 24,7 100,0 24,4
5. Discussion
Quantitative investigations of
bird communities of coniferous forest took place in Ukraine: Carpathians
Nature Reserve (Gusiy, 1992), in Poland: Tatra National Park (Głowaciński,
Profus, 1992), Gorce (Kozłowski, 1974), Karkonosze (Dyrcz, 1973),
Polica (Ślizowski, 1991), Bystrzyckie Mountains (Mikusek, 1996) and in
Slovakia: Babia Hora (Štollman, Kocian, 1965; Karaska, 1989). Various
count methods were used during those investigations, therefore we did not
compare their results in details.
Some differences in size and
structure of ornithofauna can be found among spruce forests of various
mountain regions. They concerned the numbers of bird species as well as the
density (Table 4).
Table 4
A comparison of
the quantitative parameters of bird communities in coniferous forests of study
areas in Central Europe. Bk –
Skolivski Beskids, Tb – Reserve
“Turbacz”, Та – Tatra NP, Pl
– Polica, Bs – Bystrzyckie Mts
Порівняння кількісних показників населення
птахів у хвойних лісах на пробних територіях у Центральній Європі
Parameter Bk Тb Та Pl Bs
Number of species 20 15 18 12 17
Total density, pairs/10 ha 24,4 23,7 36,3 49,5 40,5
Number of dominant species 4 4 5 5 7
Part of dominant species, % 70,1 81,1 60,9 93,0 80,1
Density of Chaffinch, pairs/10 ha 9,0 7,5 11,1 22,5 14,3
Part of Chaffinch, % 36,9 31,4 30,6 44,5 35,1
Number of tree-holenesters 5 4 3 2 5
Density of tree-holenesters,
pairs/10 ha 3,8 4,0
4,7 3,5 11,8
of tree-holenesters, % 15,5 17,2
13 7,1 28,1
The mean reason of the
difference in species composition and quantity, evidently, is the difference of
the age and the structure of forest, namely in the riches of shrub layer, percentage
of undergrowth and, probable, various count methods. Varying with altitude the
action of climatic agents is probably of smaller importance to birds that is
the species composition of the forest (Ślizowski, 1991).
Comparison of parts of dominant species in bird communities from
different coniferous forests.
частки домінуючих видів у населенні птахів
різних хвойних лісів.
Figure shows the comparison of
proportion in the most numerous bird species of spruce forests from some regions
of the Carpathians. There is a similarity between dominant species composition
in spruce plantation in Skolivski Beskids and spruce forests in another
regions. These species almost always form nearly 80 % of bird communities and
they have the decisive influence on their density. The Chaffinch was an
absolute dominant in all analysed communities, excepting Carpathian Nature
Reserve (Gusiy, 1992), where the Goldcrest was the dominant species.
Subdominant species have been changing. The
Goldcrest, Coal Tit and Robin were as a rule the second.
In Table 4 there is a
comparison between species composition of bird communities in the Skolivski
Beskids and other study plots in spruce forests. The bird community of our plot
is most similar to the communities of plot in Tatra NP and Bystrzyckie Mts
(Table 5).
Table 5
Index of similarity of 5 bird communities, % (see
Table 4)
подібності населення птахів на 5 ділянках, % (див. табл. 4)
Bk Ta Tb Pl Bs
Bs 75,7 68,6 68,8 69,0 x
Pl 62,5 60,0 59,3 x
Tb 74,3 72,7 x
Ta 78,9 x
In general, the monocultural
spruce plantation is poor on birds and have more simple structure of community
then natural spruce forest. However, they are the breeding habitat of some rare
bird species: Tengmal’s Owl (Aegolius
funereus), Capercaillie (Tetrao
urogallus), Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium
passerinum), Ural Owl (Strix
uralensis), Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides
tridactylus), etc. (Bashta et al., 1994).
We would like to express the
gratitude to Prof. Dr. hab. Z. Głowaciński, the Institute of Nature
Protection, Polish Academy of Science and Prof. Dr. hab. Z. Bocheński,
Institute of Animals Systematic and Evolution, Polish Academy of Science for
their instruction and remarks in the course of working-out of materials.
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Andriy-Taras Bashta
Institute of
Ecology of the Carpathians
Chaykovskystr. 17
290000 Lviv