Berkut. Vol. 6. Is. 1-2. P. 67-69.
Фенология осенней миграции кряквы в Украине.
- В.Н. Грищенко. - Беркут. 6 (1-2). 1997. -
Данные собраны при помощи фенологической анкеты, использованы также
литературные сведения и личные наблюдения. Полученные материалы охватывают
период в 25 лет (1970–1995 гг.). Фенодаты группировались по областям. По
средним многолетним данным построены карты начала и окончания осеннего пролета.
На них выделяются два широких фенологических русла пролета и две области
запаздывания. Расположение их во многом сходно на обеих картах. Фенологические
русла указывают на размещение основных пролетных путей. Направление миграции к
концу пролета смещается больше к юго-западу. Это может быть связано с миграцией
в разные сроки двух популяций.
Key words: Mallard, Ukraine, migration, phenology, map, flyway.
Shevareva (1968) according do ringing data has identified 9 geographical
populations of the Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
on the territory of the former USSR. Ducks of the South population breed in
Ukraine. For them considerable season movements are not characteristic.
Through Ukraine pass also flyways of the Central population that breeds to the
south from the Upper Volga. Its wintering area includes the Balkan Peninsula,
northern part of the Azov-Black Sea basin, eastern coast of the Black Sea. A
lot of mallards remain to wintering on non-freezing waters on the whole
territory of Ukraine. D.A. Scott and P.M. Rose (1996) recognized 5 population
in Western Eurasia based on the main wintering regions. The territory of
Ukraine is in limits of the west Mediterranean population and the Black Sea —
east Mediterranean population.
Material and
main material for this article was collected with the help of special phenological
questionnaire (Grishchenko, 1994a). The department of zoology of Kiev university
have been sending it on the all territory of Ukraine since 1975. This work have
been carrying out under the direction of Dr. V.V. Serebryakov. The literature
data (Knysh, 1994; Krivitsky et al., 1996) and own observations were used
too. Collected thereby dates cover the period in 25 years (1970–1995). They
were grouped by regions. For them average dates of start and end of migration
were calculated (Table). Phenological maps of migration were built on the
ground of these data (Fig. 1, 2). We have used the territorial method of
phenological mapping (Grishchenko, 1994b). Prominences of isophenes on maps
show the direction of migration and some its peculiarities. With the help of
phenological maps may be recognized main flyways of the species (Serebryakov,
speak about exact times of start and end of migration of the Mallard is not
possible. On one side, movements of males begin already at May and June. On
other side, a lot of these ducks winter in all parts of Ukraine. Therefore,
following the standpoint by Yu.A. Isakov (1952), we will understand by the
autumn migration only the time of passage of the main part of population. Records
of obviously wintering birds in December were not considered.
Results and
migrating flocks of mallards appear already in the first half of September,
but in some places the start of passage can be delayed till November. Mean
times of the start of migration are end of September — first half of October
(Table). The passage ends in different points during the period from end of
September till end of November and beginning of December. Mean times of the
end of migration are end of October — first half of November. Variation of
migration times is identical at the start and the end of passage. Average
standard deviation makes accordingly 18,4 ± 0,6 and 18,8 ± 0,6.
Region Start of migration End of migration
Область Начало пролета Конец пролета
n M
SE SD lim n M
SE SD lim
Vinnitsa 37
4.10 3,1 19,1 1.09
– 17.11 54 7.11 2,3 16,9 5.10
– 6.12
Volynia 19
6.10 3,9 16,8 6.09
– 29.10 20 4.11 3,6 16,0 25.09
– 2.12
Dnipropetrovsk 25 5.10
3,2 16,0 5.09
– 14.11 26 28.10 4,0 20,6 17.09
– 30.11
Donetsk 20
28.09 3,9 17,4 3.09
– 2.11 15 7.11 5,1 19,7 5.10
– 3.12
Zhitomir 19
26.09 4,7 20,6 3.09
– 13.11 28 30.10 3,9 20,5 25.09
– 27.11
Transcarpathian 5
27.09 10,2 22,8 8.09
– 3.11 1 2.12 – –
Zaporizhzhya 18
5.10 4,6 19,7 2.09
– 10.11 12 8.11 5,0 17,2 10.10
– 29.11
Ivano-Frankivsk 16 7.10
4,6 18,3 4.09
– 30.10 18 31.10 3,8 16,0 28.09
– 30.11
Kyiv 26 27.09 3,5 18,1 2.09
– 12.11 34 31.10 3,3 19,2 21.09
– 1.12
Kirovograd 32 4.10
3,6 20,5 6.09
– 18.11 32 31.10 4,1 23,3 21.09
– 9.12
Crimea 17 15.10
5,6 23,1 12.09
– 18.11 7 5.11 7,0 18,6 15.10
– 1.12
Lugansk 21 5.10
3,8 17,3 7.09
– 10.11 19 4.11 3,8 16,7 10.10
– 2.12
Lviv 29 3.10
3,8 20,3 2.09
– 15.11 37 30.10 2,7 16,7 27.09
– 29.11
Mykolayiv 12 4.10 6,8 23,5 3.09
– 22.11 15 28.10 5,2 20,2 1.10
– 29.11
Odesa 12 11.10
4,2 14,5 14.09
– 26.10 6 10.11 9,1 22,2 16.10
– 15.12
Poltava 26 30.09
3,0 15,3 4.09
– 28.10 29 2.11 4,1 22,1 23.09
– 6.12
Rivne 49 4.10
2,7 18,9 2.09
– 20.11 43 7.11 2,6 17,1 1.10
– 3.12
Sumy 35 1.10
2,6 15,5 5.09
– 15.11 50 31.10 2,4 16,7 18.09
– 6.12
Ternopil 20 3.10
3,8 17,2 2.09
– 6.11 36 24.10 3,0 18,1 22.09
– 29.11
Kharkiv 17 17.09
2,9 11,9 3.09
– 20.10 11 26.10 6,4 21,2 1.10
– 1.12
Kherson 8 6.10
7,7 21,9 9.09
– 5.11 12 6.11 7,0 24,3 29.09
– 1.12
Khmelnitsky 31 4.10 3,3 18,4 3.09
– 8.11 35 31.10 3,7 21,7 24.09
– 5.12
Cherkasy 32 13.10
3,5 19,6 6.09
– 11.11 37 9.11 2,2 13,2 14.10
– 30.11
Chernigiv 34 29.09
2,5 14,4 3.09
– 25.10 40 29.10 2,6 16,3 25.09
– 27.11
25. Chernivtsi
11 5.10 5,9 19,5 5.09
– 13.11 11 1.11 5,0 16,7 7.10
– 3.12
Total: Всего: 571 18,4 628 18,8
starts and ends unevenly. On phenological maps we see areas with earlier and
later times (Fig. 1, 2). They have called phenological streams (Grishchenko,
1994a, 1994b) and lagging areas (Serebryakov, 1979). Two broad phenological
streams and two lagging areas are distinguished on maps of migration of the
Mallard in Ukraine. Their disposition
is alike on the both maps. Phenological streams show the location of main
flyways. In Ukraine they are directed mainly to the south-south-west and the
south-west. Till the end of passage the direction of migration displaces still
more to the south-west. It may be connected with migration of two populations
in different times.
Fig. 1. Phenological map of the start of autumn
passage of the Mallard in Ukraine (1970–1995).
1. Фенологическая карта начала осеннего пролета кряквы в Украине (1970–1995).
1 — isophenes изофены;
2 —
supposed isophenes предполагаемые
Fig. 2. Phenological map of the end of autumn passage
of the Mallard in Ukraine (1970–1995).
2. Фенологическая карта окончания осеннего пролета кряквы в Украине
1 — isophenes изофены;
2 —
supposed isophenes предполагаемые
map of Mallard’s populations in the book by D.A. Scott and P.M. Rose (1996)
shows that directions of its flyways in
Ukraine have to be in sector from the south to the south-west. The general
direction of migration is the south-west. Our phenological maps are well
coordinated with these conclusions.
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the bird autumn migration on the territory of Ukraine. - Diss. ... cand. biol.
sci. Kyiv. 1-230. (in Ukrainian).
Grishchenko V.N. (1994b): Phenological mapping in the
study of bird migration. - Berkut. 3 (1): 30-37. (in Russian).
Isakov Yu.A. (1952): Subfamily ducks. - Birds of
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Knysh N.P. (1994): Materials on the phenology of the
bird autumn migration in the forest-steppe part of Sumy region (according to
observations in 1966-1993). - Berkut. 3 (2): 136-140. (in Ukrainian).
Krivitsky I.A., Kalchenko Yu.A., Kalchenko A.Yu.,
(1996): Birds of ponds of the Pechenigy fish-farm. - Birds of basin of the
Seversky Donets. Kharkiv. 3: 17-24. (in Russian).
Scott D.A., Rose P.M. (1996): Atlas of Anatidae
Populations in Africa and Western Eurasia. Wetlands International Publication
41. 1-336.
Serebryakov V.V. (1978): Isophenes and flyways of
birds. - Second All-union confer. on bird migration. Alma-Ata: Nauka. 1: 23-24.
(in Russian).
Serebryakov V.V. (1979): Some phenological
regularities of the bird spring migration on the territory of Ukrainian SSR. -
Diss. ... cand. biol. sci. Kyiv. 1-259. (in Russian).
Shevareva T.P. (1968): Geographical populations of the
Mallard in the USSR. - Ornitologiya. Moscow: Moscow University. 9: 249-269. (in
V.N. Grishchenko
Kaniv Nature
258300 Kaniv