Berkut. Vol. 6. Is. 1-2. P. 111-114.
V.N. Grishchenko
Фенология осенней миграции сизоворонки в Украине. - В.Н.
Грищенко. - Беркут. 10 (1). 2001. - Данные собраны при помощи фенологической анкеты, использованы
также литературные сведения и собственные наблюдения. Всего за период 1961-2000
гг. получено 238 фенодат из всех областей Украины и АР Крым. Последних
сизоворонок наблюдают в разных местах с середины августа до второй половины
сентября и первой декады октября, редко птицы задерживаются дольше. Для
большинства областей средняя многолетняя дата последнего наблюдения приходится
на первую половину сентября. Стандартное отклонение в среднем составляет 12,3 ±
0,5 дней (n = 25). Построена фенологическая карта окончания осенней миграции.
Отлет идет неравномерно. Дольше всего сизоворонки задерживаются в
северо-западных, центральных и юго-восточных областях Украины.
Phenological data were collected for the period since 1961 till 2000. Total 238
dates of last observation for all 25 regions of Ukraine were analysed. Last rollers
are observed in various places from middle of August up to the second half of
September and the first ten-day of October. Average long-term dates of the last
observation in separate regions fluctuate from 30.08 till 4.10 (Table).
Variation (standard deviation) of times of departure fluctuates from 7,8 to
16,4 days in different regions, on average it makes 12,3 ± 0,5 days (n = 25).
Phenological map of de-parture was prepared. For a longest time rollers stay
in north-west, central and south-east parts of Ukraine (Fig.).
Key words: Roller,
Coracias garrulus, Ukraine,
migration, phenology, autumn, phenological map.
Address: V.N.
Grishchenko, Kaniv Nature Reserve, 19000 Kaniv, Ukraine. e-mail:
The Roller (Coracias
garrulus) was a common and widespread bird species in Ukraine. In last
decades its number has considerably decreased. In many regions this bird became
a rare species or has stopped breeding (Knysh, Matviyenko, 1995; Grishchenko,
1998; Skilsky, 1998, etc.). Number decreasing and range contraction have been
occurring practically in whole Europe since the 1950s, since the 1970s the
decline has accelerated (Tucker, Heath, 1994; Bauer, Berthold, 1997; Samwald,
Štumberger, 1997).
Breeding range of the Roller covers the whole
territory of Ukraine. It breeds also in countries to the north: Baltic states,
Belarus, Russia. Main wintering grounds are situated in Africa to the south of
the Sahara (Glutz von Blotzheim, Bauer, 1994; Samwald, Štumberger, 1997;
Fry, 2001).
Rollers migrate in the daytime (Stresemann,
1944; Fry, 2001).
Material and
Phenology of bird migrations was studied in
Kyiv university with the help of special phenological questionnaire. The
department of zoology have been sending it on the whole territory of Ukraine
since 1975. This work was directed by Dr. V.V. Serebryakov. Questionnaires
were received by teachers, schoolchildren, scientists, amateur-ornithologists,
etc. We have processed data about autumn migration of 30 bird species,
including the Roller (Grishchenko, 1994a). They have made a basis of this
work. Later the additional information was obtained from birdwatchers. The
literature data (Kostin, 1983; Gorban, Khimin, 1991; Klestov, Osipova, 1992;
Marisova et al., 1992; Volove ochko..., 1993; Potapov, 1995; Kuzmenko, 1996;
Afanasyev, 1998; Polyushkevich, 1998; Skilsky, 1998; Tarina, Kostin, 1999;
Grishchenko, Gavrilyuk, 2000) and own observations were used too. The time
interval was extended.
Last observation of the Roller was registered.
Obtained data cover the period in 40 years (1961-2000). Total we have 235
records from all 25 regions of Ukraine. They were grouped by regions. For them
average dates of departure were calculated (Table). In the Table main statistic
information is presented: mean value, standard error, standard deviation,
extreme dates. Phenological map of migration were built on the ground of these
data (Fig.). We have used the territorial method of phenological mapping: the
average date is attributed to the geographic centre of a territory, in this
case it is an administrative region (Grishchenko, 1994b).
Results and
Last rollers are observed in various places from
middle of August up to the second half of September and the first ten-day of
October, there are only several records in later times. Average long-term dates
of the last observation in separate regions fluctuate from 30.08 till 4.10,
the majority of them accounts for the first half of September (Table).
Variation (standard deviation) of times of departure fluctuates from 7,8 to
16,4 days in different regions, on average it makes 12,3 ± 0,5 days (n = 25).
Times of last
observation of the Roller in Ukraine in 1961-2000
Сроки последнего наблюдения сизоворонки в
Украине в 1961-2000 гг.
Region n M SE SD Lim
Vinnitsa 10 7.09 4,4 13,8 13.08
– 20.09
Volynia 12 21.09 4,0 13,8 3.09
– 12.10
Dnipropetrovsk 17 10.09 2,7 11,1 26.08
– 2.10
Donetsk 6 16.09 5,8 14,2 28.08
– 5.10
Zhitomir 9 31.08 3,6 10,8 15.08
– 14.09
Transcarpathians 4 30.08 7,1 14,3 14.08 – 12.09
Zaporizhzhya 5 4.10 6,1 13,7 18.09
– 25.10
Ivano–Frankivsk 3 6.09 4,8 8,3 30.08 – 15.09
Kyiv 8 11.09 3,7 10,6 30.08
– 3.10
Kirovograd 3 11.09 7,8 13,5 29.08
– 25.09
Crimea 15 12.09 2,6 10,1 28.08
– 28.09
Lugansk 17 9.09 3,1 12,8 13.08
– 5.10
Lviv 11 15.09 4,1 13,4 20.08
– 30.09
Mykolayiv 13 13.09 3,1 11,2 17.08
– 28.09
Odesa 9 12.09 4,7 14,2 20.08
– 2.10
Poltava 10 4.09 4,3 13,7 15.08
– 27.09
Rivne 12 8.09 2,7 9,5 20.08
– 20.09
Sumy 11 8.09 2,5 8,3 25.08
– 20.09
Ternopil 7 7.09 4,8 12,6 26.08
– 28.09
Kharkiv 7 17.09 3,0 7,8 6.09
– 30.09
Kherson 7 18.09 5,2 13,7 27.08
– 4.10
Khmelnitskiy 5 16.09 7,3 16,4 20.08
– 3.10
Cherkasy 10 8.09 3,6 11,2 24.08
– 25.09
Chernigiv 23 7.09 2,8 13,5 14.08
– 3.10
Chernivtsi 4 17.09 7,6 15,1 29.08
– 5.10
Total: 238 12,3 ± 0,5 13.08 – 25.10
The departure goes uneven. There are areas with
earlier and later times of the last observation. For a longest time rollers
stay in north-west, central and south-east parts of Ukraine. Stripes of the
early departure pass in the south-west direction over the Carpathians, to the
south over Zhitomir region, Vinnitsa region and Danube mouth, to the south
from Sumy, Poltava and Dnipropetrovsk regions over the Crimea, to the south
over Lugansk region.
Phenological map of the end of migration of the Roller in Ukraine.
карта окончания осенней миграции сизоворонки в Украине.
1 – isophenes изофены;
2 – supposed isophenes предполагаемые изофены.
In last two decades the number of records
during migrations has distinctly decreased, especially in northern and western
regions. Now rollers are more common migrants only in southern regions of
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