questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. 172 p.
Management techniques
Grishchenko V.N. Management techniques for preservation
of rare bird species
Ivanovsky V.V. About the effectiveness of actions for the
preservation of Birds of Prey
Grishchenko V.N. About the strategy and tactics of the
propaganda of bird conservation
Belyakov A.A. Some recommendations on the preparation of
materials for press
Boreyko V.E. The use of the religion in the bird
conservation and popularization
History of bird
Banik M.V. Georgy Alexandrovich Bryzgalin and the bird
conservation in Ukraine
Grishchenko V.N. Contribution of J.K. Paczoski in the
ornithology and the bird conservation
Protected areas
Atemassova T.A. Perspective ornithological reservations
in the south of Kharkov region
Belik V.P. Rare birds of Rostov region and ways of their
Grishchenko V.N., Gavrilyuk M.N. Ornithofauna of the
swamp Vydra and its environs
Kostyushin V.A., Miroshnichenko V.I. Birds of Prey of
some reservations in Nicolayev region
Addresses of authors