from the journal BERKUT

Klitin A.N., Skilsky I.V., Bundzyak P.V. Distribution and feeding of the Syrian Woodpecker in the Bukovinian Pre-Carpathians and Prut-Dniester interfluve
Cwikowski C., Molodynski G. Breeding of the Golden Eagle in the Polish part of the Sanocko-Turczanskie Mountins
Nankinov D.N. Dotterel in Bulgaria and routes of its migration in Eurasia
Grishchenko V.N. Phenology of autumn migration of the Mallard in Ukraine
Soultanov E., Mosley P., Paynter D., Aarvak T. Results of geese and swans count during wintering in Azerbaijan in 1993 and 1996
Nankinov D.N. Population of the Slender-billed Curlew becomes steady, monitoring researches are necessary
Bashta A.-T.V. Breeding bird community of monocultural spruce plantation in the Skolivski Beskids (the Ukrainian Carpathians)
Nankinov D.N. Study of the Icterine Warbler in Bulgaria
Latus C., Kujawa K. The impact of landscape structure on occurrence of White Stork's nests
Ivanovsky V.V., Kuzmenko V.V., Kuzmenko V.Ya. Using of the rare birds cadaster for monitoring of ecosystems in North Belarus
Nankinov D.N. Expansion of the Paddyfield Warbler in the second half of the XX century
Grishchenko V.N. Phenology of autumn migration of the Roller in Ukraine
Nankinov D.N. The state of the Nightingale in Bulgaria
Rejt L. Sexes share during incubation in urban Peregrines breeding in Warsaw, Poland
Kitowski I. Behaviour of Montagu's Harrier juveniles during the post-fledging dependency period in southeast Poland
Grishchenko V. Phenology of autumn migration of the Hoopoe in Ukraine
Rejt L., Raczynska M. Variation in egg size of urban Kestrels (study in Warsaw, Poland)
Nadeem M.S., Asif M., Rashid H. Survival ratio of released Houbara Bustard from Houbara Research and Rehabilitation Center (Salluwali Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab, Pakistan)
Vogrin M. Geese Anser spp. in northeastern Slovenia during autumn and winter
Kopij G. Call function and vocal activity in the Southern Bald Ibis at a breeding site
Biadun W. Winter avifauna of Lublin – species composition, distribution and numbers
Rutkowski R., Rejt L., Gryczynska-Siemiatkowska A., Jagolkowska P. Urbanization gradient and genetic variability of birds - example of Kestrels in Warsaw
Barbazyuk E.V. Experimental study of territorial structure in the Gull-billed Tern
Pakula B. The nesting parameters of the Black-headed Gull in various habitat types within a colony
Barbazyuk E.V. Responses to human disturbance from nesting Gull-billed Terns
Nadeem M.S., Mian A.A., Asif M., Rashid H., Akhtar M.S., Mujtaba G. Houbara Bustard: an experience of rearing chicks in Nag Valley (Balochistan), Pakistan
Yablonovska-Grishchenko E. Semi-quantitative method of song similarity analysis on an example of Chaffinch songs in Ukraine
Wiacek J. Pair formation in the Montagu's Harrier
Barbazyuk E.V. Possible mechanism of nest density regulation in Gull-billed Tern colonies
Ananian V.Yu., Ghasabyan M.G., Aghababyan K.E., Maregasparyan M.G., Hakobyan V.Sh. Midwinter Waterbird Counts in Armenia. Results for 2003–2007
Kitowski I., Pitucha G. Long term changes in the population size of the Eurasian Marsh Harrier breeding on main water bodies of Zamosc region, east Poland
Nizynska-Bubel J., Kopij G. Population density, nesting sites and breeding success in Barn Swallows in urban habitats, SW Poland
Wiacek J. The function of the female’s sky-dancing in the Montagu’s Harrier in natural habitats of Eastern Poland
Tucakov M. Breeding, migration dynamic and conservation of Greylag Goose on margins of its Central European population in North-West Serbia


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